Friday, January 26, 2007

A festival of Charlie Chaplin

Google: Four Chaplin shorts from 1917: The Adventurer, The Cure, Easy Street and The Immigrant, presented with music and sound effects.

'The ... all » Adventurer' - Chaplin is on the run from the prison officials. Escaping into the sea he comes to the aid of a drowning trio. Taken back to their family home he is treated like a hero. Until he is recognized for the criminal that he is.

'The Cure' - Chaplin plays a recovering alcoholic, who is taken to a 'drying out' clinic. Smuggling in his own trunk of supplies, he soon gets caught out by the hospital staff. The contents of the trunk are thrown into a nearby drinking water fountain. Chaos breaks out as everyone, including Chaplin, gets drunk.

'Easy Street' - A man down on his luck. Chaplin plays a tramp who is taken in by a local mission. A reformed man he signs up to become a police officer. Only to walk into the bad end of town and come across a hardened thug.

'The Immigrant' - Chaplin plays an immigrant who falls for a fellow passenger, whom he passes on his gambling winnings to when she and her mother are robbed. They part ways only to meet months later, in a cafe. Broke and unable to pay for their meal, Chaplin uses his cunning to get through the situation.

Directed by Charles Chaplin Writing credits Charles Chaplin

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